POSTIONS Berlin art fair

POSITIONS Berlin kicks off the fall art season and of course there is no way around this institution in the Berlin art scene. The spacious Hangars 6 and 7 of Berlin-Tempelhof Airport alone, with their 16-meter-high ceilings and the light-flooded halls of this historic location, provide a unique backdrop for our selected works of classical modernism by Max Beckmann, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, August Macke, Franz Marc, Lyonel Feininger and others, true to our motto: classic, modern, paper!

Fiscal Year 2024 Act | 7 instead of 19 % for the art market

Reduced VAT for the art market in the 2024 Annual Tax Act - On Germany's initiative, the old EU VAT Directive was amended after a long struggle: Works of art and collectors' items were included in the catalogue of goods that may, in principle, benefit from preferential treatment. This option has now been transposed into German tax law and will therefore apply from January 2025.

This is a great success and an example of sensible cultural policy, which we are very pleased about!

Lyonel Feininger & Henrik Eiben

Berlin's 'paper positions' has played a special role in our trade fair calendar for years. The event is so exciting for us because, as representatives of classical modern, we predominantly meet contemporary galleries here which always creates an interesting contrast. This year, we are bringing this effect directly to our booth: together with Galerie Schwarz Contemporary, we are showing works on paper by Lyonel Feininger in combination with watercolors and collages by Hamburg artist Henrik Eiben, which are inspired by the Bauhaus master. The result is a fascinating dialogue between classical modern and contemporary art!


paper positions Berlin


Lyonel Feininger 
Schiffe am Hafenquai, 1919, Holzschnitt auf gelbbraunem Durchschlagpapier, 17,1 × 25 cm (23 × 29,4 cm)

Linienspiel und Farbenrausch VII

Together with Artcurial and Kunkel Fine Art, we are once again presenting a special selection of works on paper in the joint exhibition Linienspiel und Farbenrausch!

You can look forward to Alexej von Jawlensky's particularly colorful "Meditation (1934 N. 249)" from 1934: The artist deliberately chose the abundance of very different "beautiful and golden" tones, because he dedicated this meditation to his close friend Lisa Kümmel - and explained that these were precisely "her colors". This work, full of life and positive energy, proves once again the unbroken creative power of a man for whom the end of his creative work is unthinkable and the composing of ever new color melodies is the source of his tremendous will to live.

For lovers of small but fine "art pieces", we have included some of August Macke's specialties. A particular highlight is the wonderful sheet "Women before the Sultan", 1912. From the year of its creation, oriental themes are increasingly found in Macke's work: our composition transports the viewer into a fantastic world, the resolution of the mysterious actions of the figures remains open. The most diverse influences on Macke, Cubism and Futurism, find expression here. 

From 1900, Max Liebermann increasingly devoted himself to plein-air painting and depictions of the beach and coastal scenery, with a preference for the fashionable coastal town of Noordwijk, which he had visited many times since 1878. Our remarkable and unusually abstract pastel "View from the dunes near Noordwijk - Dutch flat landscape", 1908, reflects Liebermann's fascination with the vastness and freedom of the Dutch coastline. He captures his perceptions of light, air and space with great immediacy. Our work on paper probably served as a preparatory composition for the painting "Dunes near Noordwijk" from the same year.

Gretel Haas Gerber – eine Malerin

1903 - Offenburg - 1998 
In our presentation at this year's Art Karlsruhe, we are showing the extraordinary creative power and complexity of this remarkable artist with very different works.
Gretel Haas Gerber belongs to the first generation of women to be admitted to the Badische Landeskunstschule.
For a long time, women were denied access to the art school in Karlsruhe, which was founded in 1854, and had to make do with the private "Malerinnenschule" (women painters' school), which was established in 1885. Studying here was considerably more expensive than at the state academy and the same subjects were not taught. In 1919, when women were finally formally granted equal rights in the constitution of the Weimar Republic, some female students from the Karlsruhe School of Painting also won the right to attend the state academy. Gretel Haas Gerber belonged to this first generation of women!  A painter against many odds whose impressively diverse oeuvre is repeatedly honored by the Städtische Galerie Offenburg, her home town, with special exhibitions.

Gretel Haas-Gerbers Themen und damit die Interessen sind auf die Menschen ausgerichtet. Selbst Mutter von fünf Kindern, portraitiert sie 1943, mitten im Krieg, ihren Sohn Dietrich mit aufgestütztem Arm. Dieser Gestus findet sich bei mehreren Portraits der Familienmitglieder wieder. Haas-Gerber rückt ihren Sohn ganz nahe an den Betrachter heran und erreicht eine Unmittelbarkeit und Lebendigkkeit. So spüren wir das weit über das Abbild hinaus verinnerlichte Wesen des Gegenüber. Ihre Portraits der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit sind durchdrungen von Menschlichkeit und Tiefe und haben nichts an Aktualität und Qualität eingebüßt.

Dietrich, 1943,
Öl auf Leinwand
59,6 x 43 cm

Besuchen Sie uns noch bis Sonntag, 25.02.2025 in Halle 1, Stand B04 auf der Art Karlsruhe.

Paper Square Plus - Works on Paper - the new format at art KARLSRUHE!

Works on paper are the cornerstone of almost every art collection. Based on the well-known format of the special show "Prints and Drawings" in previous years, art KARLSRUHE 2024 offers a focal point for young collectors with the Paper Square Plus in Hall 3; a space for beginners and connoisseurs of this special artistic material. 

We have selected exciting woodcut works by Franz Marc for our presentation.

☞ Art Karlsruhe 2024, Hall 1, Stand PSP03

56. Art Cologne

ART COLOGNE, Germany's most important art fair, will be opening its doors again in just a few days. Of the more than 250 art fairs worldwide, it has made its way from the Cologne art market into the top 5 and is regarded as the mother of all art fairs. Inspired by the documenta in Kassel, it was founded in 1967 by the two Cologne gallery owners Hein Stünke and Rudolf Zwirner under the name Kölner Kunstmarkt.
In the first year alone, a turnover of one million euros was achieved with just 18 exhibitors. The special feature: In the first few years, only galleries from Germany were admitted. We are delighted to be part of this 56th edition. We are showing a successful mix of classic modernist works by Josef Albers, Franz Marc, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Emil Nolde and Lyonel Feininger, true to our motto: Classic, Modern, Paper!

you will find us at booth C320 in 11.1

Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln

Preview: 16. November 2023, 12:00-16:00 Uhr
Vernissage: 16. November 2023, 16:00-20:00 Uhr
17.-18. November 2023: 11:00-19:00 Uhr
19. November 2023: 11:00-18:00 Uhr


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